Welcome to Millennia-Vision!

Consulting is one of three pillars that make up the entire Millennia-Vision (initiative) that aims at helping transform our world to the better. The Millennia-Vision initiative pillars are :

(1) Awareness building pillar to bring modern/emerging trends & directions to the attention of decision makers/business owners
onsultancy services pillar to adapt/adopt these trends to the specifics of our customers/markets
Solutions/professional services pillar
featuring selected packages of products and services from industry leaders worldwide.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"Pain" and "Gain" is what keeps driving us

Everyone seems to be driven by two things: pain & gain which make things move forward in life. Take it as individuals, businesses, organizations, economies, nations ... and you will still find that it is "pain & gain" that drives things most of the time.

Pain seems to be the "dominant" factor where it becomes a "must" to kill it or get a relief  from it. So it is the thing which has priority on top of  "gain" which remains as "nice-to-have" but does not generally have that mandatory nature or that urgency like pain.

I may argue that for individuals and entities that want to move forward in a desired directions towards desired results that gain should be the dominant factor due to its importance, but realities of life force us in the other direction which is dealing with the pain, even if we fully realize and recognize that it is not the most appropriate thing to do.

Another interesting view of this "pain & gain" model which keeps things moving forward is that it looks like a 2-stroke locomotive "propeller engine" that you see in railway stations and in old western movies where steam engines were pushing and pulling trains full of people and goods across distances in the wilderness !

I use this "pain & gain" articulation in my management consultancy services with business owners and senior/top management in the organizations I deal with, and this has proven to be a very successful approach when the people in question open up and share their pain & gain issues openly and frankly !

If this could be of interest to you ... drop me a word and let us take it further 

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