Welcome to Millennia-Vision!

Consulting is one of three pillars that make up the entire Millennia-Vision (initiative) that aims at helping transform our world to the better. The Millennia-Vision initiative pillars are :

(1) Awareness building pillar to bring modern/emerging trends & directions to the attention of decision makers/business owners
onsultancy services pillar to adapt/adopt these trends to the specifics of our customers/markets
Solutions/professional services pillar
featuring selected packages of products and services from industry leaders worldwide.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Turning ideas into Actions

Rosy dreams are nice
Talk is easy, but to turn rosy dreams and easy talk into action requires some "structure" that we need to put in a broad  "master plan" that may include the following elements : -
  1. "Name of initiative
  2. "Overall descriptors of the initiative"; purpose, goals, time horizon, ...
  3. "Initiative Owner/executive sponsor
  4. "Initiative manager/coordinator"
  5. "Initiative team members" from within and outside  the organization
  6. "Roles, engagement levels, and commitments for each and every team member throughout the lifetime of the initiative from start to completion
  7. "What is to be achieved ( use action verbs at the beginning of each item)
  8. "Target/due dates for start and completion of each item above
  9. "Owner/initiator of the item
  10. "Doer(s)/implementer(s) of the item from within the team, organization  and/or from or external entities involved/committed to this initiative
  11. "Requirements for each item to make it happen, and where they come from, and in what shape and by what times/dates
  12. "Critical success factors (CSFs) per item to ensure its success
  13. "Current Status of the item (submitted, approved, active, pending, completed)
  14. "Issues/risks/concerns raised about the item
  15. "Separate Issues/Risks register" for these items which have them and what actions are taken on the issues and what resolutions are reached for them 
I hope this will put the carriage on the rails for this initiative to proceed smoothly on well thought guidelines to move forward to the overall objective/goals of the initiative.

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